Need produce? We got it!

This was a fairly sparse dive compared to last week, but we still scored some great produce! We've got mushrooms, lots and LOTS of nice leaf lettuce, a few sweet potatoes, quite a few peppers of assorted kinds, carrots, tons of red grapes, bananas, apples, oranges, a lemon and (randomly) Tofurky, which appears to be a kind of fake turkey made from tofu. We also have a large quantity of cured bacon and hot dogs still frozen from last week's dive, as well as three bags of tortilla chips. Also, we seem to find flower bouquets every time, which so far we've been dividing among ourselves. If you're hankering for some flowers this month, be sure and let Bethany or another regular diver know, and we'd be happy to save you some, as we're anticipating a lot of flowers post-valentine's day.

Anyway, tell your friends, come check it out, come talk to us (we like meeting new people), and come pick up some groceries. Everything will be sanitized by 6pm, Monday. Come then for first dibs, or come anytime the doors are open (generally 9-4ish) through Thursday. (We're at 524 College Street, at the corner of College and University, across from Austin Peay State University)

Just so you're aware, there will be a free dinner for college students cooinciding with the Monday evening pickup time. You're welcome to grab a plate as well, or just grab your groceries and go. Just don't be freaked out when you walk in to a bunch of people eating spaghetti or whatever it is we're having. You're still at the right place. :)


Anonymous at: April 25, 2011 at 6:54 PM said...

LOVE IT!!!! My husband and I have been "divers" since 2000. After having kids it has kinda slowed down. I have been leery about beginning again due to possible trespassing issues. Usually we just watch for moving trucks, and "big trash" pick up day.

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